Name: Ashley Chan .. (I'll leave this part blank)
Sisters: Emily aka. MY CUCU. and Buddy. *yesh I'm aware he's a dog. a MALE dog. bite me.
Brothers: 3. one of them is Nisha(:
Shoe size: massive.
Height : taller than my sister. heheheheeee.
Where do you live: Patterson Lakes.

Have you ever been on a plane?: no. eg. I swam from Malaysia to Aussie when I migrated.
Swam in the ocean: no.. not yet.
Fallen asleep at school: also fallen asleep at home, in the car, eating, bla bla bla.
Broken someone’s heart: not that I know of. *cough*
Fell off your chair : does falling off a bench count as well?
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: uh hah. I think. damn Jellybean.
Saved e-mails: it's just cause I can't be bothered deleting them.

What is your room like: room-y.
What’s right beside you: ipod touch. loads of wires. and other stuff.
What is the last thing you ate: food!
Sore throat: does having a very phlegmy throat counts?
Stitches: nope. nada. no. tak ada. you get my point.
Do you believe in love at first sight: I do if you do.
Like picnics: when they have food. yummy food.
Who was the last person you danced with: my dancing partner, MY CUCU(:
Last made you smile: previous answer. good times good times.
You last yelled at: no one.. yet(:
Do you believe in love at first sight: I do if you do.
Like picnics: when they have food. yummy food.
Who was the last person you danced with: my dancing partner, MY CUCU(:
Last made you smile: previous answer. good times good times.
You last yelled at: no one.. yet(:
Today did you:
Talk to someone you like: yes. Nisha(:
Kissed anyone: my ass. I joke I joke.
Talk to an ex: no.
Miss someone: no. not that I can think of anyways.
Eat: oh no. because it's normal not to eat.
Best feeling in the world: good feelings.
Talk to someone you like: yes. Nisha(:
Kissed anyone: my ass. I joke I joke.
Talk to an ex: no.
Miss someone: no. not that I can think of anyways.
Eat: oh no. because it's normal not to eat.
Best feeling in the world: good feelings.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: does a stuffed spongebob count?
What’s under your bed: spiders! and socks and... stuff. *cough**cough*
Who do you really hate: assholes.
What time is it now?: nap nap time.
What’s under your bed: spiders! and socks and... stuff. *cough**cough*
Who do you really hate: assholes.
What time is it now?: nap nap time.
Is there a person who is on your mind now: nope.
Do you have any siblings: unfortunately(:
Do you want children: I want a husband first.
Is there a person who is on your mind now: nope.
Do you have any siblings: unfortunately(:
Do you want children: I want a husband first.
Do you like your hand-writing: sometimes.
Are your toe nails painted: nope. they smell(:
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: my sister's and Buddy's cage(:
Are your toe nails painted: nope. they smell(:
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: my sister's and Buddy's cage(:
What color shirt are you wearing now: black.
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: I have a short- and long-term memory loss.
I can’t wait till...: I sleep.
When did you cry last: a few months ago.
Are you a friendly person: I bite. but that's after I know you(:
When did you cry last: a few months ago.
Are you a friendly person: I bite. but that's after I know you(:
Do you have any pets: back home in Malaysia sadly. *please someone. ship Buddy over to Aus!!
Where is the person you have feelings for right now: Malaysia.
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?: my hands are mine.
Do you sleep with the TV on?: It's not that hard(:
What are you doing right now: oh nothing important. just answering a few questions.
Have you ever crawled through a window: is climbing through the same? if so, yes.
Can you handle the truth: yes. it's suppose to hurt anyways.
Can you handle the truth: yes. it's suppose to hurt anyways.
Are you too forgiving: no.. not really.
Are you closer to your mother or father: dua dua pun parents. mana boleh choose?
Who was the last person you cried in front of: Anita,Milton and my sister.
How many people can you say you’ve really loved: I have no idea.
How many people can you say you’ve really loved: I have no idea.
Do you eat healthy: HAHAHAHAAAAAA!
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex: if I had one, no.
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?: nope. screw them over(:
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?: my best mates. or my sister or BUDDY!
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: LOUD!
Are you confident?: I reckon, yea.
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
(i) Eat.
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex: if I had one, no.
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?: nope. screw them over(:
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?: my best mates. or my sister or BUDDY!
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: LOUD!
Are you confident?: I reckon, yea.
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
(i) Eat.
(ii) Sleep.
(iii) Fart.
(iii) Fart.
(iv) Read.
(v) get into shits. I still do but you know(:
5 things on my to-do list today:
(i) EAT.
(ii) SLEEP.
5 things on my to-do list today:
(i) EAT.
(ii) SLEEP.
(iii) FART.
(iv) get a life.
(v) plot a plan to illegal bring in Buddy to Aussie.
(v) plot a plan to illegal bring in Buddy to Aussie.
5 snacks I enjoy:
(i) food.
(i) food.
(ii) food.
(iii) food.
(iv) food.
(v) food!

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
(i) sleep.
(ii) eat.
(iii) fart.
(iv) charity. eg. food for buddy(the starving dog. poor boy)
5 of my bad habits:
(i) I don't know how to put the truth.. tactfully(as my mum puts it)
(iii) food.
(iv) food.
(v) food!

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
(i) sleep.
(ii) eat.
(iii) fart.
(iv) charity. eg. food for buddy(the starving dog. poor boy)
5 of my bad habits:
(i) I don't know how to put the truth.. tactfully(as my mum puts it)
(ii) crank up at everyone when I'm in a bad mood.
(iii) thinks too much sometimes.
(iv) love making my nemesis's, or people I dislike, live VERY miserable.
(v) I tend to get sensitive and over emotional at times.
5 jobs I've had:
2. I got rejected.
3. ...
1. sleep.
2. eat.
3. fart.
4. screech.
5. take a piss on some random people(:
5 people to tag:
(i) ANGEL.
(ii) ANGEL.
(iii) ANGEL.
(iv) ANGEL.
(v) ANGEL.
(iii) thinks too much sometimes.
(iv) love making my nemesis's, or people I dislike, live VERY miserable.
(v) I tend to get sensitive and over emotional at times.
5 jobs I've had:
2. I got rejected.
3. ...
1. sleep.
2. eat.
3. fart.
4. screech.
5. take a piss on some random people(:
5 people to tag:
(i) ANGEL.
(ii) ANGEL.
(iii) ANGEL.
(iv) ANGEL.
(v) ANGEL.
yesh, my only friend is Angel. so bite me.
Angel, feel privilage(:
3 more months mate! I'll see you soon!