Teing, I bet you're wondering why I'm writing a post about you in my blog eh?
well, I can assure you, it's NOT because I did something wrong and I feel guilty. but it's just cause YOU keep bugging me to update my blog so here's your long awaited post.
enjoy endless words about you(:
so world, meet Teing.
her smile is infectious, SERIOUSLY.

we've met back in 2007 but we were never close. it was due to the fact that I found her too nerdy and I didn't even want to try to make friends with her cause well, knowing me, I didn't think that our personalities would fit and I didn't want to waste my breath.
but in 2008, throught MSN, we got to know each other alittle more and I started liking her alittle more each time. at the end of the year 2008, I went back to Malaysia. at first, I hesistated to go on an outing with Teing but thank God I did. We ended up bonding and I found out that we have alot in common.

the first camp that we had was at Chefoo. Sue was with us as well. at first, Sue and Teing was awkward with each other, not knowing each other but after the camp, we became THE threesome.

man, I remember once when Sue went up the hill in BOH TEA, Teing and I just stayed in the van, making stupid videos. it still always makes me laugh when I watch those videos.
quoted from Sue :
" I never know that Teing is so weird. I always thought that she was sooo studious"
hence, you guys can see what I mean when I said that Teing is a nerd(:
We started sleeping over at MY place(I've only just realised that!) and damnnn! what I wouldn't do to have those times back again.
I remember at one sleepover, we stayed up until 3, just singing. that was great fun. did I mention that Teing is a great singer as well?
quoted from Teing :
"and to think that I sing the loudest. YOU[Ash] sing EVEN LOUDER!"
she hated me, jokingly, because of that. LOL. my quirky singer.
Paintball. that was the best. Teing was NOT in my team. thus, it gave me the oppurtunity to blast her WITHOUT feeling bad and damnnn, I didn't get her. but it was great deal of fun(:
She came to my youth activity one night at Justin's house. mann, that was fun. I remember us hiding together when we were playing hide-n-seek. I remember how Sam always came over to talk to us. he wasn't even hiding and we were afraid that he was going to blow our cover. Sam is the worst when it comes to hide-n-seek. BUT the funny part was that Teing kept bugging him to come to CF and it worked, just FYI(:
she slept over that night. and the next morning, we had karaoke session. mannn, we were soo sleepy that we weren't in any mood to sing. we just mostly sat there, listening to the boys blast their lungs out. that was good fun.
and MIDNIGHT MOVIES! oh man, those insane late night movies. good fun but very tiring. I remember the first late night movie we had. hah! we had mamak after the movie and damnnn, was that mamak session H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S!

and who knew that my little miss nerdy was soo good in bowling and archery. LOL. mann, she has style when she plays archery(: we had A&W after that. I loved the photos we took then as well. and P.S. MY SISTER ADORESSSS TEING and SUE.
we had our last outing one night before I had to leave. It was the whole day that we spent together. first at the movies then at KK's house for yet another youth gathering. I remember when the youths were watching BOLT, Teing and I sat in the kitchen, stuffing our faces with food and chit chatting. the looks on people's faces who walked by the kitchen was funny. all the same enquiring faces then the you're-so-weird' face. LOL!

after that, we went to starbucks! mannn! that was H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S! Teing and I had the waiter and waiteress wrapped around our little finger. we got extra topping and sprinkle and all. HAHAHAH. we're such fatties, I KNOW! I loved that night. the boys and us girls were just laughing the night away! no one wanted to leave but eventually we did. I hugged Teing for the last time that night.
on my last day, we couldn't squeeze in one more outing. Teing was suppose to send me off for the last time, but last minute she backed out. I called her, and I asked her why and she simply said because she's scared she'll breakdown. I nearly broke down when I thought she broke down over the phone.
it broke my heart that I had to leave her when we barely had 2 months to spend together. I called her on the way to the airport and when we hung up, I felt something that I never thought was possible ; I was homesick even before I left the country.
the day I reached Aus, I came online and that night itself, Sam, Luke, Teing and I chatted like there was no tomorrow. when I tried to leave, Teing said that I can't. LOL! but she let me go in the end. it happened a several more times after that but then nowdays, we're too busy to come online and text each other.
Recently, I got upset with Teing over something/someone that shouldn't even matter. I was being selfish but I thank God that Teing is patient. after a while, I realised how stupid I was being and I apologized. and Teing being Teing, forgave me(:
to summarize, I love Teing. she's one of my bestie(:
here's to many more years to come. many more years that we'll always be besties(:
Don't ever forget me but even if you do, I'll never forget you(:
let's take a quick scroll down memory lane.

Love, Ash(: