you're officially 20(:
and I thought being 16 is old, man must you feel ANCIENT compared to me. kekeke.
well, what can I say about you that you don't already know?
you're an amazing person in Christ.
keep, keep, keep, trusting Him in EVERYTHING.
continue to Walk with the Lord and always have this in mind : He has a BIG plan for you.
so now that you've hit the BIG 2.
maybe you want to be less cranky(:
I said that with LOVE.
you're an amazing cousin.
an amazing friend.
a beautiful soul. (when you're not cranky)
don't ever change.
maybe the cranky part. heh.
stay as blur as you are now(:
and I even got you something!
it's a MEGA-SIZED PURPLE PENCIL CASE with a chinese girl which reminds me of YOU(:
like it?
cause it's not yours to keep.
it's actually mine.
but heyyyy, at least I thought of you(:
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting: but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
-Proverbs 31 : 30
have a blast!